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Project by Pane, Joe, goldi&chiari ( www.goldiechiari.com - mail@goldiechiari.com )

I'm Tired di Jon

Ciao a tutti io sono JON ho firmato un contratto con "why style" e vi voglo parlare di I' M TIRED. I'M T é una linea d' ombra tra il bene e il male, bello e brutto, triste e felice la linea d' ombra che c'é tra pane e joe. Detto questo mi sembra giusto partire dagli autori; P&J nascono nella periferia romana cosa che più tardi avrà un ruolo fondamentale nella comprensione dell' opera. Si conoscono alle scuole superiori, cominciano a fare graffiti formano un piccolo crew gli R.S.M, ma solo dopo pochi mesi gia si trovano a far parte di una delle crew più inportanti a Roma cli E.T.C attuali THE RIOT VANDALS. Con i graffiti riescono ad uscire dal ghetto ed ad avere un affermazione della propia personalita nella citta. Esperienza fondamentale nelle loro vite un' esperienza fatta di amicizia, tradimenti, furti, carcere, droghe leggere e sintetiche, ferite più o meno gravi, grandi soddisfazioni, risse, viaggi, inconprensioni, debiti, solitudine, allusioni sbagliate, feste, e molto altro. Questa introduzione biografica ci fa capire qualcosa dil loro. Quindi questo c'é dietro le loro opere? dietro questi due poco noti artisti? Vi sembrerà facile trarre delle vostre conclusioni, è chiaro. Tutti abbiamo un' opinione perchè non dirlo?? Ma in realtà chi è joe chi é Pane? Cosa c'è dietro una persona, un uomo; cosa lo fa muovere? scegliere le cose giuste? Come si fa a scendere in profondita dove non ci sono maschere e formalita tali da ingabbiare i sentimenti piu liberi e reconditi. Noi cioè io voglio rispondere a queste domande analizzando una loro opera fondamentale I'M T. I'M T nasce dall' estro e la sprizzante voglia di vivere di pane, unita alla cupa e introversa personalita di joe. I'M T è il party people è meltin pop delle culture urbane e suburbane la discarica come metafora universale del percorso nelle nostre vite perse in un universo di sentimenti che difficilmente troveremo. L' opera è piena di elementi simbolici messaggi espliciti e impliciti (disegni con la fica e il cazzo) percettibbili solo allo spettatore piu attento. Il frigo dove c'è scritto DREAM come il grembo della madre che aspetta il figlio un sogno un icognita di felicita o sofferenza. O la poltrona con su scritto More pussy richiesta di un amore piu libero o sarcasmo sulle abitudini sessuali contenpranee.Il messaggio finale che da il nome all' opera I'M TIRED "io sono stanco" é un rebus alchemico, stanco di cosa? di vivere, del non vivere o le ultime parole famose di un' uomo qualunque al termine di una festa.Cosa da non dimenticare è la scelta degli abiti opere fatte a mano dagli stessi artisti riufiuto di una moda omologata globallizzata che ci inprigiona i dei luoghi comuni scelti da altri. Come non citare anche i protagonisti della foto , creme della controcultua contenporanea romana: Mirai fotografo geniale che ha rivisitato iconografia del mondo dello skatebording (foto pubblicita whystyle) ,Papik Rossi famoso skaiter e produttore di una propia linea di abbigliamento trustever, Stella Tasca gallerista, Franz leader del gruppo rap Albania players. La foto poi é stata realizzata da Goldie e Chiara due fotografe di spicco dell ambiente fashion romano.

I'm Tired by Jon

Hello everybody, I’m Jon. I’ve signed a contract with Why Style and I want to tell you about I’m tired.
I’m tired is the twilight zone between good and evil, beautiful and ugly, sad and merry, between Pane and Joe and Goldie and Chiari.
But let’s clear a couple of things about the authors.
Pane and Joe are born in the Roman suburbia, bear this in mind for it will be of help in understanding their work. They meet in high school, start writing graffiti and found a crew – the R.S.M. After a couple of months they’ve already joined one of Rome’s most influential crews: ETC, presently The Riot Vandals. Writing allows them to get out of the suburbs and to put their mark on the city. They experience friendship, betrayal, theft, jail, soft and hard drugs, big or small hurts, satisfactions, travels, fights, debts, solitude, incomprehensions, wrong innuendos, parties and so on. Now about Goldie and Chiari: me and Eleonora met back in ’97. She was taking a vacation from life working nights in a bar, I was striving in a basement. These two naive girls acquire a taste for violence. Their images convey rage. I move to a new house. A swarm of women pass by my little room: friends or strangers generously posing for us, mostly naked. One day one of my boyfriend’s pals drops by. Incidentally I show him our works. We are artists, he tells us. Hey, somebody else believes in this stuff. The Adriano Olivetti gallery answers, the art director wants to see our works. We’re invited to a week-long workshop with other artists. Free food and drinks. We like to surprise and to throw banana peels around. In February 2002 we have our personal exhibition in Milan. We spend four days locked up building a huge barbed wire ball. At Exit there’s sixty of us, more free food and drink.In conclusion, femininity is reduced to the realms of the irrational, women are excluded from public life, kept as beautiful flowers in the garden. We like the sequence, he likes Charlie Brown.This short biography is a hint to their personalities. So what’s behind their works? What’s behind these artists of little renown? You’ll easily draw your conclusions, of course. We all have an opinion, don’t we? But who are Pane and Joe, for real? What’s behind any man, what makes him move, what makes him make the right choices? How can one delve into those depths where there are no masks or formal rules to chain your freer, most hidden feelings? We, or rather I, want to answer such ominous questions by examining one of their most significant works: I’m tired. I’m tired comes out of Pane’s joyous lust for life and Joe’s dark and introspective nature. I’m tired is party people, is the melting pop of urban subcultures, is the dump as a symbol of our meaningless lives, lost in a universe of feelings which we may never find. The work is full of symbolic elements, explicit and implicit messages, texts and contexts (the cock and pussy designs), which can be perceived and interpreted only by the most attentive of spectators. The refrigerator with the “DREAM” sign on it, like a mother’s womb awaiting a child, an uncertain destiny of happiness or pain. Or the couch with “MORE PUSSY” written all over: a plea for a freer kind of love or rather a sarcastic view of contemporary sexuality. The final message which lends its name to the entire work I’m tired is an alchemic enigma, tired of what, of doing what? Of living, of not living, or just the famous last words of any ordinary man after a night spent partying? And do not forget the clothes: items which were handmade by the artists as a refusal of a massified, globalized fashion that keeps us in the hard claws of other people’s clichés. So far we’ve just skimmed the surface of the formal or informal aspects of the work, but that’s another story. The work is a photograph, a photograph taken with no artificial lights, a matter of fierce discussion between its authors. Everything lays naked under the sunlight, and that’s a fundamental aesthetic choice that even Joe, though unwillingly, has submitted to, not without a stressful exercise of self-criticism. The light in never invasive, it rather welcomes the characters into the dump. The fiction within the context has been hidden. You may even say it has been consumed and digested by the camera, taking that image like a life changing decision. The cast of characters has been left neither to chance nor to a fashion agency. They are the crème of contemporary Roman counterculture: Miraj Pulvirenti a photo genius who has reinvented skateboarding’s imagery (Why Style ADV), Papik Rossi infamous skater and the designer behind the Trvstever clothes brand, Stella Tasca art gallery manager, Franz leader of the hip hop act Albania players.


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