HOME    |   05/12 ottobre 2002 - We Were Writers - Ass Culturale Granma Roma

The whole train

One: Eravamo TRV e ZTK, C' erano sei vagoni, perfetto. C'erano Pane, Aser, Tuff, One, Jon e Chico.
One: c'erano questi due treni in mezzo al nulla, sopra ad un ponte con la ferrovia e sotto passavano le auto e praticamente i vagoni che coincidevano con il passagio delle auto sottostante erano a rischio per chi li avrebbe dipinti, Pane disse: "no ragazzi, qui pe uno potemo anna bevuti tutti la cosa che stamo a fa È na cifra grossa, dovemo sta attenti, perchÈ non lo famo in mezzo ai treni!?
Pane: avevamo fatto sta scelta perchÈ in mezzo ai treni ce la sentivamo calla One: No no rega famola in mezzo ai treni, famola in mezzo ai treni, e pi™ ardcore, e pi™ sicuro!!! non ci vede nessuno, li diventamo invisibili, ok Ë andata cosÏ, Ë stata la cosa pi™ potente della notte, arrampicati tutti e sei in mezzo a quei treni...
Jon: No, Tutti e cinque, io l'unico che c' aveva il vagone che sbucava, perchË i treni non erano messi pari, erano un po sfasati, e lultimo vagone del treno che ci stavamo dipingendo era l'unico che sbucava cosÏ non potendomi arrampicare ho dovuto prender la scaletta che sta in testa al treno
Aser: dalla mia sinistra arrivava il rumore di jon che si addobbava con la scaletta, perchÈ lui aveva deciso di dipingere con la scaletta....
Pane: No ,te lo dico io il perchÈ, per metý vagone era costretto ad usare la scala per metý poteva sfruttare il fatto di stare tra i due vagoni. Jon: le scale sui sassi sono molto stronze, in teoria sarebbe facile perÚ....
One: abbiamo aperto le porte siamo entrati dentro, c' era chi si sporgeva dai finestrini aperti per poter completare l'allcar, chi dalle porte con gli spray ordinati di fianco. Pane:il treno alle spalle aveva le porte aperte quindi tu potevi metterti dentro al vagone e dipingere dato che i due treni erano vicinissimi. Per il resto era faticosissimo.
Aser: ...Gli spraY finiti, gli spray pieni, il fondo, l' outline, gli hi-lights su un sedile, insomma mi ero organizzato lo spazio interno al treno di fronte a quello che ci stavamo dipingendo.
One: ce la abbiamo fatta Ë andata bene.

From the film "UN GIOCO DA RAGAZZI"

The whole train

One: We were 3 Trv 3 Ztk, there were 6 cars, perfect. Pane, Aser, Tuff, One, Jon and Chico.
Aser: First was Jon, then me, One, Tuff, Chico and you!
One: There were two trains practically in the middle of nowhere, parked on a bridge with cars passing underneath. And there was the risk of being seen from the street.
Pane said, “if one of us is seen it could get everybody busted.”
What we are doin is really big we have to watch out. Why don’t we paint in between the two trains?
Pane: We took this decision to be safer.
One: Ok let’s do it between the trains it’s more fun and safer. Nobody will see us we will be invisibles.
Ok everything went well , it was great all six of us climbing in between the trains all night long.
Jon: You five, I was the only one painting a car exposed to the street .Because the trains were not aligned and I couldn’t paint in between so I took a ladder from inside the train.
Aser: to my left I could hear Jon falling off the ladder making noise. He decided to paint without climbing up between the trains…
Pane: no, I’ll tell you why, because Jon was forced to use the ladder for half of the car, and the other half he could climb up in between the trains.
Jon: The ladder was problematic, because it kept falling on the rocks. In theory it’s easy but…
One: We opened the doors and went inside. Some of us were hanging from the windows, others from the doors with all the paint layed out next to them.
Pane: The train next to the one we were painting was really close so we could paint from its inside. Everything else was very tiring.
Aser: I organized everything, my empty cans, full cans, background, outline, highlights were on a seat, so I organized the space inside the train facing the one we were painting.
Pane: This photo shows how we did it.
One: We did it, and it all went well…
The odd couple
Jon: Uhmmm, can I ask a question?…maybe someone already told you this story…
For example, I painted these three pieces on the same car like three months apart because the car was crossed and casually they all have white outlines…
These we did using lookouts, it took us a long time, like two hours because the guard kept coming and we had to remain completely still, so still that the guard convinced himself we were objects, and he would leave.
One: We could become invisible by remaining completely still, invisible to the guards and anyone else who was hostile towards us. We believed in remaining still so much that nobody could see us even lying right under their feet.
Jon: What do you want us to talk about?
One: One and Jon, a color end to end on the first or second car, and behind us there was a trash train, and behind that a fence, actully two fences to get out, we knew the guard was going to come from the right, more or less. After the first end2end we were in a frenzy and went to the next car and started doing another E2E…
Jon: A silver one.
One: I’m not sure exactly, I think I heard something and told Jon,”look over there, check there. ”But Jon didn’t understand the exact place, and he checked behind us: under the trash train and the fences, towards our escape route. He comes back and tells me it was safe, I had stopped painting…
Jon: yes but… I… um, no… before…
One: It all happened really quickly, he was looking at the end of our train, where another train was parked, and I was also looking there, and it became illuminated,
Jon: The guard with a flashlight.
One: and I heard the guy jump down. The gun in one hand and the flashlight in the other. He joined his two hands, the gun and the flashlight, he looked at us. Jon was under, One was right there and he started shooting, he fired three shots like he wasn’t a person, as if he did’t have a person in front of him. When he joined the gun and the flashlight it was like he had an animal in front of him and shot us, he pulled the trigger without thinking, ”I can kill him he’s too close…” yes, he wanted to kill us! He joined his hands and started shooting. We went over the two fences as if they didn’t exist, running onto the fences, infact we had scars on our chests and here. He shot the last three bullets from the top of the fence, while we were running on the tracks outside the yard. We left him there shooting at us and went our usual escape route.

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